Tuesday, January 23, 2007

"Printing" Houses for a Green New World in 24 Hours

Came across this outrageous concept where the inventor, Behrokh Khoshnevis, proposes using this machine, similar in some ways to a 3-D printer, to "print" houses using cement. The company is called Contour Crafting. The process is well along in its development. I'm unclear whether full-scale, fully workable prototypes of the machine have been built but they have built some full-scale walls, etc. The claim is that a "house" could be built in 24 hours, with almost zero labour, while avoiding the +/- four tons of waste involved in construction of a conventional house... This is a little pie in the sky but probably not so far beyond plausibility as it might seem.

The website contains extensive information on potential applications, such as reconstruction following a Katrina style disaster. Quite mind-boggling to contemplate.

Proposed artistic applications include the creation of ceramic sculptures and the construction of houses in the Gaudi style.

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