Sunday, December 20, 2009

Canada's influence in art waning by the day

Unfortunately, yet another example of Canada's lack of influence in the art world has arrived on my screen.

This one is from the venerable Web 1.0 site, Olga's Gallery, that has been one of the most consulted art reference sites for nearly a decade, according to them picking up a million pages views a day.

Popular site Olga's Gallery ignores Canada

This is a great free reference that you don't have to sign in to, which is why it continues to be a stand-by and get great rankings on Alexa. There are near-comprehensive lists of artists, with plenty of visuals, from most countries in Europe, up until the early part of the 20th Century.

You know what I'm going to say next. That's right. There is not one single artist listed from Canada.

Here is the breakdown by country:

Austria 2
Belgium 37
Czechia 1
France 61
Germany 22
Georgia 1
Italy 56
Mexico 3
Netherlands 18
Norway 1
Poland 2
Russia 76
Spain 9
Sweden 1
Switzerland 2
UK 19

OK, it is true that the U.S. is also given short shrift, with only six artists mentioned. Which is fine. You can call sour grapes all you want - this site is Euro-centric blah blah blah. There is no avoiding the facts, though. Massive, influential visual art reference ignores Canada - again.

As long as this situation is allowed to prevail, Canada's influence will continue to wane on a daily basis.

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